Weekly Update on news and events 11 October 2024

We hope you are able to support the events and to share  the information with others to help widen our network and connections.

A number of events were held locally and nationally over the last few days to mark the year since the genocide began and to highlight the increasing attacks on Lebanon in particular . The National March in London  and local events in Cambridge including a silent vigil and rally last Saturday were well attended.

 1. Update on Labour City Council Palestine motion and banking with Barclays.

This is the written answer we have from Cambridge City Councillor Alice Gilderdale, dated 7th October, who met with one of us after we requested an update on the Council’s announcement at a full meeting in May this year https://www.cambridge.gov.uk/news/2024/05/23/motion-on-palestine-israel  regarding their banking arrangements with Barclays.

‘The City Council remains committed to considering alternative banking arrangements and is considering how to go about this. From feedback from officers, changing bank accounts is not simple and the Council will need to go through a procurement exercise to get a new supplier.

The Council’s current contract with Barclays is due to end in spring 2026. Due to banking complexities, a procurement exercise is likely to take up to a year, and there may be implications we need to understand better. This timeline does not include implementation time. We will need to be mindful that this wouldn’t just mean setting up and agreeing a whole new contract (via procurement) that we will have to put in place, it’s the entire set up and implementation of the new facilities throughout the whole council.

Currently, the finance team are working on our upcoming budget and budget consultation, but once that has moved on, we will look into how we can set up a procurement plan for the banking relationship going forward, however as I’ve highlighted, we’re very early on in the process.

We have noted that Islington council has also begun a procurement process to bank more ethically. Their contract with Barclays comes to an end in 2025 and therefore we will be communicating with Islington to learn from their experience. Additionally, we will be working with them to consider how we can communicate Cambridge City Council’s reasons for considering a new banking partner directly with Barclays’. 

2. Local events 

Healthworkers 4 Palestine 

invite everyone to join us for a 

Vigil for Palestine 

Friday 11 October 


Addenbrookes Roundabout, Cambridge

Cambourne Vigil for Palestine 

Friday 11 October 


Cambourne Square ( near Morrisons) 

All welcome 

Regular weekly Cambridge PSC  stall outside the Guildhall, Market Square Cambridge 

Come and meet us, get information and buy Palestinian products. We have increased our range of items that are for sale on the stall which is proving very popular. So do pay us a visit !  


11.30-1.30pm (Weather dependent )

Peaceful assembly with flags and placards, Saffron Walden 

Every Saturday 


Outside Saffron Walden Town Hall, Market Square 

All Welcome 

Talk Dr Morgan McMonagle & Alex Smith “Surgery in War and Conflict” 

Organised by Friends of MSF Cambridge , PalSoc and CUMLS

Friday 11th  October  


Venue : Bateman Auditorium, Gonville and Caius College 

Ticket info :https://fixr.co/event/fomsf-x-palsoc-surgery-in-war-and-conflict-tickets-675487473

Screening of the Film ‘Where Olive Trees Weep’ – organised by Cambridge Artists for Palestine and supported by CPSC

12th October


Storey’s Field Centre, Eddington, Cambridge  

Booking information and further details: 


Rally – ‘Mobilise to demand that the University boycott and divest from all companies complicit in genocide’ 

organised by C4PAL supported by CPSC 

Sunday 13 October


Kings Parade 

CPSC update 4 October 2024

A busy week of activities are planned as we approach a year into the current conflict in Gaza and the widening of attacks by Israel in Lebanon, Syria and beyond. Please share details of both the national and local events planned to others so we can ensure a good turnout to keep the pressure on the government and to keep people focussed on this issue.

National PSC  March 5 October 

Meeting place : Russell Square 

12 Noon 

National PSC are keen that this is the biggest march yet and encourage as many people as possible to attend .

A contingent from Cambridge will be attending and are meeting at the Railway station to catch the 10.44 train . Look out for the Cambridge PSC banner on the platform if you would like to travel with others .

Updates and route can be found on the following link : https://palestinecampaign.org/

Local events 

Healthworkers 4 Palestine 

invite everyone to join us for a 

Vigil for Palestine 

Friday 4 October 


Addenbrookes Roundabout, Cambridge

Regular weekly Cambridge PSC  stall outside the Guildhall, Market Square Cambridge 

Come and meet us, get information and buy Palestinian products 


11.30-1.30pm (Weather dependent )

Peaceful assembly with flags and placards, Saffron Walden 

Every Saturday 


Outside Saffron Walden Town Hall, Market Square 

All Welcome 

Cambridge Stands with Palestine – One Year On : Genocide No more 

(We ask people to wear black for mourning) 

Women in Black Silent Vigil , outside the Guildhall, Market Square , Cambridge 

Saturday 5th October 

12-1 plus 

Rally with speeches supported by CPSC and Stop the War 

1.15pm (Gather by the Cambridge PSC stall) 

Dabke Dancing 

Sunday 6th October  

2pm (weather Dependant)

Kings Parade 

The Jenin Horse Reborn Supported by CPSC , Cambridge Artists for Palestine and others 

Come and decorate me with Palestinian Art 

Tuesday 8 October 

Parkers Piece, Cambridge  

10 – 5-pm

All welcome 

One year of Genocide Vigil , organised by Cambridge for Palestine 

Tuesday 8 October 


Kings Parade 

Talk Dr Morgan McMonagle & Alex Smith “Surgery in War and Conflict” 

Organised by Friends of MSF Cambridge , PalSoc and CUMLS

Friday 11th  October  


Venue : Bateman Auditorium, Gonville and Caius College 

Ticket info  https://www.instagram.com/cambridgepalsoc/

Screening of the Film ‘Where Olive Trees Weep’ – organised by Cambridge Artists for Palestine and supported by CPSC 

12th October


Storey’s Field Centre, Eddington, Cambridge  

Booking information and further details: 


Book Club on Palestine

We, at Book Club on Palestine, will be starting a new online book discussion series on the 2 October. The first session will feature a live conversation with the author himself, the renowned Prof Rashid Khalidi. The host will be the former Israeli and anti-Zionist activist, writer, and psychotherapist, Avigail Abarbanel.

Our objective is to help raise awareness and anchor activism in knowledge.

We kindly request your support to share as much as you can and encourage people to register and join. Here are useful links you could use:



Weekly update/overview on news and events Sept 26

We hope you are able to support the events and to share  the information with others to help widen our network and connections.

1. National News 

National demonstrations were held on 7 and 21 Sept in London and in Liverpool to coincide with the Labour Party Conference . Over 125,000 were estimated to have attended the London March, in spite of all the last minute changes imposed by the police, and around 15,000 attended the march in Liverpool  . 

The next National demonstration ,’One Year On – End the Genocide , Stop Arming Israel’, is planned for Saturday 5th October,  ( note change of date from 12 October ). National PSC want to make this the biggest march in months and encourage as many people as possible to attend. The route is now confirmed from Russell Square to Whitehall. 

Further details and updates : https://palestinecampaign.org/

Details of the PSC Trade Union Conference and Student Conference in the autumn are also listed there. 

Saturday 28 September is designated a Day of Action for  Palestine – Stop Arming Israel 

2. We are All Palestinian Fundraiser – September 5th 

Thanks to everyone who supported the joint event at St Pauls with Cambridge Artists for Palestine on the 5th September.  We are very happy to report that an amazing £2205.56 was raised for the Amos Trust Emergency Gaza Appeal 

Watch out for the next ‘We are all Palestinian Event’ – provisional date 28 November ( tbc ) 

3. Local Events

Healthworkers 4 Palestine 

invite everyone to join us for a 

Vigil for Palestine 

Friday 27 September 


Addenbrookes Roundabout, Cambridge

Cambourne Vigil for Palestine 

Friday 27 September 


Cambourne Square ( near Morrisons) 

All welcome 

 Regular weekly Cambridge PSC  stall outside the Guildhall, Market Square Cambridge 

Come and meet us, get information and buy Palestinian products 


11.30-1.30pm (Weather dependent )

Peaceful assembly with flags and placards, Saffron Walden 

Every Saturday 


Outside Saffron Walden Town Hall, Market Square 

All Welcome 

The Battle of Ideas: Racism and Resistance . The role of the Media in State Propaganda .

Organised by Essad_48 and ACFFL and supported by Cambridge PSC and other local organisations 

Tuesday 3rd October 

Tickets and Further information available :  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-battle-of-ideas-racism-and-resistance-tickets-1021844523477?aff=ebdsoporgprofile&keep_tld=1

Screening of the Film ‘Where Olive Trees Weep’ – organised by Cambridge Artists for Palestine and supported by CPSC 

12th October


at Storey’s Field Centre, Eddington, Cambridge  

Booking information and further details: 


Cambridge Stands with Palestine

Women in Black Silent Vigil, supported by Cambridge PSC  , outside the Guildhall, Market Square , Cambridge 

Saturday 5th October 

12-1 plus 

Rally 1.15pm (Gather by the Cambridge PSC stall) 

West Bank Vigil Tuesday 3 September

As the situation in the West Bank escalates and the number of Palestinians injured and killed by the Israeli  Forces increases, a Vigil has been organised for Tuesday 3 September to raise awareness of this crisis and to remember those who have been killed .

The Vigil will take place at 6pm on Kings Parade .

We hope that you can come along to support this event, and as always, please share with others .

Join Us for a Night of Palestinian Culture and Solidarity

we are all paletian event


Only 1 week left to go!!!!!! TICKET ONLY ENTRANCE

Special Guest Performance from the Palestinian comedian Tarek Turjman based in Miami and fresh from performing at the Edinburgh Fringe and will be doing a one-off UK performance.

Celebrate the resilient spirit of Palestine through a vibrant evening of spoken word, music, and art. This event showcases the rich cultural heritage and talents of our community while raising funds for the Amos Trust Emergency Gaza Appeal and other vital Palestinian causes.

Live Performances: Enjoy a diverse lineup of talented performers, sharing inspiring poetry, music, and visual arts.

Cultural Experience: Savour authentic canapés, explore unique merchandise, and engage with interactive art projects.

Special Guests: Be surprised by special guest speakers and performers, adding a unique touch to the evening.

Tickets are “pay what you can,” ensuring everyone in the community can join us in solidarity. Your generosity will directly support the people of Gaza. Stand with us in solidarity and celebrate the beautiful culture of Palestine. Remember, “We Are All Palestinian.” Don’t miss this special night!

Buy your tickets here:


Date: Thursday 5 September 2024 6:30 PM – 10:00 PM (UTC+01)

Location: St Pauls Church, Hills Rd, Cambridge, CB2 1JP

Get directions

London 7th Sept & Liverpool 21st Sept national march

PSC march 7th sept
Schools, refugee camps, and a busy market have all this week been considered legitimate targets for Israel’s unrelenting war machine. Palestinians are facing bombardment from the air, shooting from the sea, and shelling on the ground with images of burned and decapitated children becoming a regular occurrence on our social media feeds.  In the face of such unrelenting brutality, we cannot afford to allow our voices to be quietened. Join us on Saturday 7th September at 12PM in Central London as we march once again to call for action to bring pressure to secure an immediate and permanent ceasefire, including a ban on all arms sales to

Share details about the London march

Can you help us take these demands directly to the Labour Government at their party conference in Liverpool on Saturday 21st September? 

Join us for our following national march where we will be taking our demands directly to the Labour Government at their party conference in Liverpool at 12PM on Saturday 21st September.  

Share details about the Liverpool march

Student Encampment Fundraiser & Rally Day

ana rajer

Day 98: Fundraiser for of the Student Encampment

Sunday 11 August – 11am onwards

Activities include  art workshops , auction , cookery workshop, Dabke and bring and share meal – Follow for daily updates on: 

Instagram Cambridge for Palestine (@cambridgeforpalestine) • Instagram photos and videos or Twitter Cambridge for Palestine (@cam4palestine) / X

Day 99 – Mon 12th

Sharing reflections on what’s passed, and visions of the future.

Day 100: Rally Day-at the Student Encampment, Kings Parade  to mark the last day of the encampment 

Tuesday 13 August  – 6pm Rally 

7.30pm Vigil 


Join Us for a Night of Palestinian Culture and Solidarity

we are all paletian event

Celebrate the resilient spirit of Palestine through a vibrant evening of spoken word, music, and art. This event showcases the rich cultural heritage and talents of our community while raising funds for the Amos Trust Emergency Gaza Appeal and other vital Palestinian causes.

Live Performances: Enjoy a diverse lineup of talented performers, sharing inspiring poetry, music, and visual arts.

Cultural Experience: Savour authentic canapés, explore unique merchandise, and engage with interactive art projects.

Special Guests: Be surprised by special guest speakers and performers, adding a unique touch to the evening.

Tickets are “pay what you can,” ensuring everyone in the community can join us in solidarity. Your generosity will directly support the people of Gaza. Stand with us in solidarity and celebrate the beautiful culture of Palestine. Remember, “We Are All Palestinian.” Don’t miss this special night!

Buy your tickets here:


Date: Thursday 5 September 2024 6:30 PM – 10:00 PM (UTC+01)

Location: St Pauls Church, Hills Rd, Cambridge, CB2 1JP

Get directions

National March for Palestine

Palestine Solidarity Campaign UK

?National March for Palestine

⏰12 noon, Saturday 3 August

?Park Lane, London marching to Whitehall


A number of us are planning to take the 10.44 a.m. train from Cambridge Station to Kings Cross. We will be carrying our special Cambridge flag for recognition, look out for us on the platform, we will display on arrival at KX as well.